Are You Waiting Until "Later" to Decrease Your Risk of Breast Cancer?
Oct 25, 2024
"Meh, I'll work on decreasing my risk of breast cancer later."
"I'm too busy right now"
"I don't have time right now."
"I wouldn't even know where to start."
"I have plenty of time to decrease my risk."
Do these sound familiar?
I hear you. I've been there.
But, why do we wait until things get really bad before we decide that we're worth prioritizing our health and wellbeing?
Why do we wait for a crisis? Why do we wait until we're forced to say,
"I wonder what would've happened if . . . ?"
"I wish I would have . . . "
"If only . . . "
Why do we decide that we only get to prioritize our own care and attention when we reach a point of despair or disaster?
Unfortunately, for most busy women at high risk of breast cancer, it's a case of putting ourselves last. You're busy, and everything and everyone else takes priority. But, the best time to decrease your risk of breast cancer or a recurrence is NOW.
Don't wait for a crisis. Don't wait for the "should haves." While you might not be able to 100% prevent breast cancer or a recurrence, you CAN start making small but impactful changes to decrease your risk today. Your health is worth investing in NOW.
And, I can help! You can start decreasing your risk of breast cancer or a recurrence TODAY without adding more stress or overwhelm to your already busy life! I can show you how to start making simple lifestyle changes that make a BIG impact on your risk of breast cancer with my FREE Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Starter Kit. You can access it by clicking HERE.
The time to start decreasing your risk of breast cancer is NOW!