How to Fix a Bad Mood

Sep 06, 2024

Bad moods are a reality.

Some days you wake up, and you just aren't in a good mood. However, chronic bad moods (pessimism) can actually lead to an increased risk of breast cancer. So how do you get out of your funk? 

"Snapping out of it" doesn't work.

Pretending to be in a good mood doesn't work.

Wallowing in your bad mood doesn't work.

So, what should you do? 


Step #1 Acknowledge how you feel

. .  . because you can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge. Awareness is key. Becoming aware of when you're in a bad mood is the first step. 


Step #2 Drop the guilt

Guilt stands between you and a solution, and remember, you're human! It's okay to be in a bad mood every now and then. We just don't want to live in that cup-half-empty space. 


Step #3 Pick your solution

(Choose your own adventure-style)! 

These are all great ways to shift from a bad mood into a more positive mindset. Choose which one works best for you:

  • Focus on 3 things that you're grateful for at that moment
    • The options are endless here! Did you just have a yummy lunch? Did you give your child a hug this morning? Did you wake up healthy today? Did you get a solid night's sleep last night? Is the sun shining? Are you wearing cool socks? Are you having a good hair day? Did you hear your favorite song today? Did a stranger smile at you? Did you see a butterfly? Pick ANY three things--no matter how small they may seem--that you are grateful for, close your eyes, really focus on them, and feel your mood shifting. You may even have a smile on your face now!
  • Get outside
    • Just having a simple change of scenery can immediately boost your mood--bonus points when you get outside! Being in nature can instantly lift your spirits. Feel the breeze on your skin. Listen to birds chirping or kids laughing in the distance or lawns being mowed. Feel the warm sun on your face. Notice the different, vibrant colors around you. See the birds and butterflies fluttering by. Watch the squirrel scurry in front of you. Notice your mood improving!
  • Move your body
    • Moving your body can help shake up (and shake out) some of your negative energy. Stand up and do a couple of big stretches. Walk around your office if you're at work. Take a quick 2-minute walk outside. DANCE! Feel the positive energy taking over your body.
  • Get social
    • Call or text a friend (or your mom). Send a silly GIF to a friend. Join the water-cooler gang for a few minutes. Pop by a co-worker's desk or office and ask them about their day. Ask a friend to meet you for coffee or lunch. Connecting with other people can have such a positive impact on your mood!

Fixing your bad mood can be EASY! You know what else can be easy? Decreasing your risk of breast cancer. Using simple, small changes like the ones listed above can have a BIG impact on your breast health. Consistent, small changes add up! 

As a Breast Health and Women's Wellness Coach, I'll continue to show you how you can decrease your risk of breast cancer with clear, easy-to-incorporate lifestyle changes without adding any more stress to your life!